Future Ear Radio

Future Ear Radio

Dave Kemp

Discussing the business of hearing healthcare and how hearing professionals can succeed in a rapidly evolving landscape. Guests of the show include experts with backgrounds in Audiology, Public Health, Consumer Audio, and Technology. The goal of Future Ear Radio is to connect the trends converging around our ears. (FuturEar)

Categorias: Finanzas

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Guests: Jen La Borde BC-HIS & Chelsea Walters BC-HIS - Owners of Family Hearing

Jen and Chelsea sit down with Dave this week on the podcast to discuss:

- Their professional journeys, how they both ended up at Family Hearing, and then eventually partnering together to own and operate the clinic

- The process of evaluating the prospect of purchasing and owning a clinic

- Partnership - determining who does what, leveraging each other's strengths, and how to maintain a strong partnership when things go sideways with the business

- Transitioning from the original owners to Chelsea and Jen and choosing which aspects of the clinic to preserve and which to overhaul

- Staffing, cultivating talent and creating paths of upward mobility for employees

Episodios anteriores

  • 130 - 130 - Jen La Borde BC-HIS & Chelsea Walters BC-HIS - Partnering Together to Own & Operate a Private Practice Clinic  
    Tue, 27 Aug 2024
  • 129 - 129 - Kelsi Mangrem, Au.D. - The Realities of Private Practice Ownership in 2024 
    Fri, 02 Aug 2024
  • 128 - 128 - Reuben Zielinski, MBA - A Lifetime of Tinkering: How I Invented the Redux Drying System 
    Tue, 09 Jul 2024
  • 127 - 127 - Chelsea Treseder, MBA - Empowering Private Practices with Sophisticated Business Intelligence Tools 
    Wed, 26 Jun 2024
  • 126 - 126 - Craig Kasper, Au.D. - Cultivating a Unique Value Proposition as a Modern Day Audiologist 
    Fri, 17 May 2024
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